"We Are Here To Help"
Cancer Patient Services Corporation is a community-based organization of volunteers
in Mount Forest and the surrounding area.
Cancer Patient Services Corporation Objectives
* to provide transportation services, emotional support and other services which will benefit the lives of persons dealing with a diagnosis of cancer and cancer treatment
* to provide such services at no cost to the patient and their family * to accumulate funds for the purposes of the objects of the Corporation Primary Activities to Accomplish these Objectives
* to familiarize the local communities and volunteers with the objectives and programs of CPSC
* to invest accumulated funds, as determined by the Board of Directors * to solicit and receive donations, bequests, legacies, and grants and to enter into agreements, contracts, and undertakings for this purpose |
Mailing Information:
Cancer Patient Services Corporation Box 376 Mount Forest, Ontario N0G 2L0 *For booking a ride, please call: 519-509-2300*
To contact the CPSC President, Maureen Dineen, please click the button below.
To contact the CPSC Treasurer, Sue Doherty, please click the button below.
* to carry out objectives without paid office space and without paid personnel
* to acquire assets for the corporation through purchase, contract, donation, legacy, gift, grant, or otherwise, and to dispose of it as seems advisable * to network with other charitable organizations, institutions, and agencies with similar objectives to those of CPSC |
Charitable Status Registration Number: 83089 9811 RR0001